27 February 2011
26 February 2011
The (South)Hamptons Round Up
I often feel that Southampton is overlooked and underestimated; while searching for the perfect universty, and place to call home for the next three years, i looked high and low - all over the country, even considered studying abroad, but after everything i kept coming back to my beloved Southampton. I think it's fair to say that i have well & truly fallen in love with the place, and for good reason. For starters, it's beautiful; whether it's eating at Banana Wharf on the water front (which the Mr still needs to take me to, hopefully this summer!), walking through one of the lush, green parks or commons or dashing around the town centre trying to find that perfect pair of shoes to finish off tonight's outfit - every angle intrigues me, and there's so much more for me to discover!
As a fashion student, i even think that i'd go as far as to say that it's really up and coming in the fashion stakes. The likes of London or Birmingham are known for forward thinking style and a mish mash of people, well Southampton has all of that and shops just as good as the next city! While standing on the balcony of West Quay shopping centre, i took a moment to take in the place, and the people, that i will be calling home as of September. It made me smile to see people from all walks of life in one place, unlike how i feel in a bigger city, like London, people don't seem to even want to make eye contact with anyone else they're sharing the pavement with but in Southampton, i just feel like there's a real sense of community - even in such a large area, even with lots of separate parts; everyone just seems to come together. It makes it feel like home, even before i've moved in! With so many students, from not one but two universitys, Southampton is competitively one of the best dressed cities, possibly behind the big'uns, but definitely of the South.
I will be proud to call Southampton my home, and i really can't wait to move in! I just love how it makes me feel, and how it almost makes things seem.. easier, makes life seem that little bit more bareable. If you've never been before, i definitely recommend a visit.
As i spent the majority of my day lugging my suitcase across London, and beyond, i was far too exhausted to even attempt a Friday Feeling, but as you've been kept completely up-t0-date this week, i'm hoping you won't mind too much! However, you won't be getting one next week either as on Monday i'm jetting off to Amsterdam for the week! I'm home very late on Friday night, so will be far too knackered to brag about my cultural week. Hopefully, next weekend i'll get a chance to show you my week in pictures, between unpacking and sleeping!
I'll leave you with things that are keeping me excited! Happy Saturday!

As a fashion student, i even think that i'd go as far as to say that it's really up and coming in the fashion stakes. The likes of London or Birmingham are known for forward thinking style and a mish mash of people, well Southampton has all of that and shops just as good as the next city! While standing on the balcony of West Quay shopping centre, i took a moment to take in the place, and the people, that i will be calling home as of September. It made me smile to see people from all walks of life in one place, unlike how i feel in a bigger city, like London, people don't seem to even want to make eye contact with anyone else they're sharing the pavement with but in Southampton, i just feel like there's a real sense of community - even in such a large area, even with lots of separate parts; everyone just seems to come together. It makes it feel like home, even before i've moved in! With so many students, from not one but two universitys, Southampton is competitively one of the best dressed cities, possibly behind the big'uns, but definitely of the South.
I will be proud to call Southampton my home, and i really can't wait to move in! I just love how it makes me feel, and how it almost makes things seem.. easier, makes life seem that little bit more bareable. If you've never been before, i definitely recommend a visit.
As i spent the majority of my day lugging my suitcase across London, and beyond, i was far too exhausted to even attempt a Friday Feeling, but as you've been kept completely up-t0-date this week, i'm hoping you won't mind too much! However, you won't be getting one next week either as on Monday i'm jetting off to Amsterdam for the week! I'm home very late on Friday night, so will be far too knackered to brag about my cultural week. Hopefully, next weekend i'll get a chance to show you my week in pictures, between unpacking and sleeping!
I'll leave you with things that are keeping me excited! Happy Saturday!

All Images Sourced From Google Images
From Top to Bottom: Me & the Mr are going to see We Will Rock You in about a month! / My 19th Birthday on April 3rd! / Planning a trip to London with my friend Hayley this summer / Planning a trip to York with my friend Jenna this summer / Mother's Day / Amsterdam / Lots of special occasions therefore means lots of eating out and eating well! / Tons of lounging in Cambridge before i leave for Soton / Mine & the Mr's 2 year anniversary! / Me & the Mr will be travelling all over the UK this summer, visiting family, & i can't wait to visit Bristol (and the zoo!) / Thanks to the Mr & his parents, i'm going to have my first facial in a couple of weeks! / Easter!
I hope you all have lots to look forward to too! xo
24 February 2011
The (South)Hamptons - Part 3
Day 3 Continued: I yet again have very good reasoning to brag about what a brilliant Mr i have. My evening, last night, was spent indulging in the yummiest chinese takeaway i've had in ages - if you're ever around the portswood area of Southampton, i definitely recommend Chan's. He'd been acting suspicious all day, and when i cam back from my shower, it all became clear!

Candles, Rose Petals & Wine! What a super dooper Mr i do have! It was loverly, the wine was yummy (but we later noticed how seriously red the wine when our tongues were a deep scarlet!) and on top of all this i was allowed to pick the film! Perfection, even if i do say so myself. I chose to watch 'The Proposal', starring Sandra Bullock as a demanding Boss & Ryan Reynolds as a very obliging assistant. When we began watching it, i wasn't actually very interested; it just seemed like your same old rom com (not that i don't adore a classic chick flick as much as the next girl) but as we got into it, Sandra Bullock's character Margeret starts to melt and you see why Bullock is such a brilliant actress. I have never before seen any previous work by Reynolds but i was very impressed with him too! It does become somewhat predictable, but when all you want is an easy watch - i was very happy with my choice. The blueish candle you can see in the pictures above is one of the 4 candles i bought Jonny for an anniversary, i believe. They're made by Wax Lyrical & Jelly Belly, they smell absolutely devine - that one in perticular is Watermelon, and it smells good enough to eat! The others include Mango, Very Cherry & Cinnamon (however, we decided that cinnamon was a bit too pungent!) So all in all, we had a very good valentines evening - we talked for absolutely ages! It's been very lovely to be able to talk about everything, like we used to. We're both so busy now we forget to tell each other things! So he was definitely filled in on about 3 months worth of gossip!
Day 4: Yes ladies & gentlemen! Those are the Topshop Camel Jeans i have been lusting after for months! After finishing all of my college work, and presenting it in my panel review, i decided to treat myself and head into Cambridge (I have to say, i really enjoy shopping by myself, and at midday on a weekday - Cambridge is dead! Just how i like it.) After rooting around Topshop for something worthy of my vouchers, i stumbled across the Tall section & there they were! Sitting amoungst t-shirts & jumpers, well i just had to try them on and with my perfect luck, they fitted like a glove - sold!

Jeans: Topshop Tall / Cardigan: H&M / Top (Underneath): H&M / Bird Top: New Look Online / Belt: Next / Necklace: Primark
This made us realise, as we're going to see We Will Rock You at Easter, for our 2 year anniversary, we have no idea where to have dinner! We're going to the matinee and will eat after the show, but we're rubbish at restaurants in London - especially lovely, but well priced ones! Do any of you have any suggestions? We spent forever scouring the internet for suggestion, but computer, and google, said no. They decided to be very unhelpful and only give us a couple of options, but nothing spectacular! We're looking for somewhere in the Covent Garden area, but will go further if we find something special! Any suggestions welcome! Hope you're all feeling sunny!
Toodles. xo
Day 4: Yes ladies & gentlemen! Those are the Topshop Camel Jeans i have been lusting after for months! After finishing all of my college work, and presenting it in my panel review, i decided to treat myself and head into Cambridge (I have to say, i really enjoy shopping by myself, and at midday on a weekday - Cambridge is dead! Just how i like it.) After rooting around Topshop for something worthy of my vouchers, i stumbled across the Tall section & there they were! Sitting amoungst t-shirts & jumpers, well i just had to try them on and with my perfect luck, they fitted like a glove - sold!
This little outfit was used on a very lovely day, out and about in Southampton. After yesterday's very gloomy, dull weather, today was lovely and the sun even decided to show it's face! It wasn't particularly cold either, just a little chilly so i threw my leather jacket over the top of this. These jeans are soo snug! They fit me perfectly - don't you just love that feeling when you find the perfect pair of jeans! - and they're ever so comfortable, plus the colour is absolutely fabulous! I know Topshop jeans can be a little pricey, but they have never failed me yet - god send, in fact! I adore this little bird crop top - so sweet! It has 3/4 sleeves and extra fabric to help it be floaty and beautiful, perfect for a chilly Spring.
We had a stroll through Southampton's beautiful centre, popping into West Quay shopping centre where we flicked through some books, did some window shopping, discussed our outfits for the Mr's Brother wedding this December, and ended up searching for Wally in Where's Wally in Hollywood (We couldn't find him.) I drooled over the gorgeous dresses in Karen Millen's window and i wouldn't mind this or this.. or this.. or even this! They had some real beauties in there, and i wanted them all! Damn you student funds.
We finished our stint in town with lunch at my favourite restaurant - Bella Italia! Yum, yum, yum; I usually go for pizza when i eat in BI, but today decided to go for something lighter as we're having stir fry tonight- so went for the Carbonara and it was delicious, serious recommend!
We had a stroll through Southampton's beautiful centre, popping into West Quay shopping centre where we flicked through some books, did some window shopping, discussed our outfits for the Mr's Brother wedding this December, and ended up searching for Wally in Where's Wally in Hollywood (We couldn't find him.) I drooled over the gorgeous dresses in Karen Millen's window and i wouldn't mind this or this.. or this.. or even this! They had some real beauties in there, and i wanted them all! Damn you student funds.
We finished our stint in town with lunch at my favourite restaurant - Bella Italia! Yum, yum, yum; I usually go for pizza when i eat in BI, but today decided to go for something lighter as we're having stir fry tonight- so went for the Carbonara and it was delicious, serious recommend!
Toodles. xo
23 February 2011
The (South)Hamptons - Part 2
Last night i was treated to a roast! yummm, it was super yummy and this time around it didn't take a gazillion hours! (Last time i visited & Jonny did a roast for us, he started it at 5 and we didn't get it until 8!) We spent our evening watching chit chatting with 2 of the Mr's housemates, watching Snog, Marry, Avoid & Biggest Loser, and then went to watch Eastenders & Secret Diary of a Call Girl in bed. For those of you who havn't seen/heard about/watched SDOACG (Secret Diary of a Call Girl) where have you been!? Seeing as there is very little on the telly at the moment, it's the only thing that i cannot bare to miss! The home, and work, life of a London Call Girl Hannah, goes by the working name of Belle De Jour. You get captured and taken into another world, somewhere that you'd never see yourself. The glamour, the fashion, the independance - it really makes you feel good about women kind! Now, i have to say that i'm not the most confident of girls, but watching Belle swan around in beautiful clothing, skyscraper heels and a smile really make makes me think "yeah, i could do that!" However, not so much the having sex with multiple strangers, as much as Billie Piper makes it seem effortless, it's not my sort of thing!
Day 3: My key piece today has never been worn before, as i only purchased it last week! But i've been dying to get it out the closet ever since!

Playsuit: Topshop / Cardigan: H&M / Top (Underneath): Primark / Belt: New Look (Came in a 2 pack with yesterdays Red Plait Belt) / Tights: Tesco
Day 3: My key piece today has never been worn before, as i only purchased it last week! But i've been dying to get it out the closet ever since!
Playsuit: Topshop / Cardigan: H&M / Top (Underneath): Primark / Belt: New Look (Came in a 2 pack with yesterdays Red Plait Belt) / Tights: Tesco
This gorgeous peacock print playsuit is incredibly easy to wear, and possibly my new favourite piece. It's super, super comfortable, and as it's made of 93% Polyester & 7% Elastine it's silky, smooth and surprisingly soft. I decided to combine this key piece with a loverly purple cardigan and a navy blue belt as there are some seriously beautiful colours in there, navys, violets, blacks, khakis, royal blues, burnt oranges, browns, silvers; when you look at it up close, and personal, it's really quite ornate. I personally think that a cardigan is just a cover up and i never really see the point in splashing out on seriously overprices cardis, however, when it comes to other types of knitwear like jumpers, or something a little thicker like my thick, white cardigan, then it's usually better to go a little more exspensive, lasts that bit longer and can house some fab detailing, eg. leather buttons, fur shoulders, gold threads. If you hadn't already noticed, these little plaited belts (that came together) work with everything. With blue & red, you can't go wrong! They can be slipped around a gorgeous pair of skinny jeans or knotted around your pretty, little waist to cinch in!
Aparently this evening is going to be mine, and the Mr's, replacment Valentines! We're going to order in, watch a movie and have a glass of wine! Just perfect. I'm hoping he has a few surprises up his sleeve, but men! You never can tell, can you?! We're doing romantic on a budget these days, as we're both very poor students! Staying in is the new going out, trust me. I bought the mr some little Haribo Heart Throbs & Some Body Shop Massgage Oil, as the Mr gets a very tense back, as he has twisted hips? Or something? Plus, it smells DEVINE.
While perusing the internet, and the blogasphere, while the Mr was at his lectures this morning, i fell across this post on Lil's blog and it totally reminded me of the gorgeous images of Lady Gaga on the cover of February's Vogue, photographed by Mario Testino. Now, i have always been an avid Little Monster, but since her health, and probably sanity, started spiralling down the pan, i've almost started to forget about one, Miss Lady Gaga. I rarely listen to her music anymore& hardly ever look out for her either. Seeing as my favourite article ever, was one on said Gaga in Harper's Bazaar, last summer, this is very unlike me! However, when i spotted Gaga sporting a ear ticklingly short, bubblegum pink bob - i couldn't miss her! The photographs to go along side her article are truly gorgeous, and i have to say i'm very glad that Gaga is getting back on top (especially after that mean disaster..).
How is your week going, as sunny as mine? (Well, actually, southampton is looking rather damp & dreary this morning.. but it's sunny in my view!) I'll try & take some pictures tonight, however my brain is like a sieve!
Toodles. xo
Aparently this evening is going to be mine, and the Mr's, replacment Valentines! We're going to order in, watch a movie and have a glass of wine! Just perfect. I'm hoping he has a few surprises up his sleeve, but men! You never can tell, can you?! We're doing romantic on a budget these days, as we're both very poor students! Staying in is the new going out, trust me. I bought the mr some little Haribo Heart Throbs & Some Body Shop Massgage Oil, as the Mr gets a very tense back, as he has twisted hips? Or something? Plus, it smells DEVINE.
While perusing the internet, and the blogasphere, while the Mr was at his lectures this morning, i fell across this post on Lil's blog and it totally reminded me of the gorgeous images of Lady Gaga on the cover of February's Vogue, photographed by Mario Testino. Now, i have always been an avid Little Monster, but since her health, and probably sanity, started spiralling down the pan, i've almost started to forget about one, Miss Lady Gaga. I rarely listen to her music anymore& hardly ever look out for her either. Seeing as my favourite article ever, was one on said Gaga in Harper's Bazaar, last summer, this is very unlike me! However, when i spotted Gaga sporting a ear ticklingly short, bubblegum pink bob - i couldn't miss her! The photographs to go along side her article are truly gorgeous, and i have to say i'm very glad that Gaga is getting back on top (especially after that mean disaster..).
How is your week going, as sunny as mine? (Well, actually, southampton is looking rather damp & dreary this morning.. but it's sunny in my view!) I'll try & take some pictures tonight, however my brain is like a sieve!
Toodles. xo
22 February 2011
The (South)Hamptons - Part 1
Day 1: Hoorah! I'm finally in (a cold & gloomy) Southampton! After a looong day of travelling, yesterday, i finally made it. When you get here the journey always seems to go really quickly, but when your slumped in your lumpy, uncomfortable train seat or perched on the edge of your suitcase praying the bus driver won't make any sharp turns or you're going to be (even more) seriously invading someone elses personal space - not that you already aren't (as your hand brushes the bum of the person next to you) - the destination doesn't seem so clear!

Day 2: But alas, i made it all in one piece (just)! One of the things i really love about visiting the Mr (apart from getting to spend time with him) is that as i sit at his desk, while he engages himself in something complicated and demanding, you can look out the window onto the busy street below & people watch. The university is literally just 'round the corner, and this is a mainly student street, so there's plenty of people to-ing & fro-ing, hiding under mountains of books, being weighed down by a ridulously heavy rucksack & sporting "University of Southampton" hoodies. Everyone has somewhere to be and somewhere to go, none of them knowing (probably) where anyone else is going. (Usually) No smiles, few hellos & the odd nod. It's so weird to think that everyone just goes about their own business without a thought for someone else, and i know it would be weird if students started yelling "have a good lecture!" to every passerby, but i just find it strange that not everyone knows everyone. I guess, coming from a small, close-knit town & community, i'm used to every other person you meet be someone you know or knew. I just think it's a shame that noone takes an interest.
So, the Mr had a 9 o'clock lecture this morning, luckily after he left i dropped off to sleep for another hour! It probably wasn't the best idea to pack the only clothes from my wardrobe that crease to the max! However, a fashion student's preogative is to dress well, no matter what! I also painted my nails for the first time in months! (I get really bored of painting them beautifully, for during the week when i'm at college - for them to chipped, stripped and broken, and then have to take it off on Saturday night ready for a day at work, on Sunday!)

Shorts: Topshop / Top: New Look Online / Cardigan: H&M / Belt: New Look / Scarf: H&M / Tights: Tesco
Day 2: But alas, i made it all in one piece (just)! One of the things i really love about visiting the Mr (apart from getting to spend time with him) is that as i sit at his desk, while he engages himself in something complicated and demanding, you can look out the window onto the busy street below & people watch. The university is literally just 'round the corner, and this is a mainly student street, so there's plenty of people to-ing & fro-ing, hiding under mountains of books, being weighed down by a ridulously heavy rucksack & sporting "University of Southampton" hoodies. Everyone has somewhere to be and somewhere to go, none of them knowing (probably) where anyone else is going. (Usually) No smiles, few hellos & the odd nod. It's so weird to think that everyone just goes about their own business without a thought for someone else, and i know it would be weird if students started yelling "have a good lecture!" to every passerby, but i just find it strange that not everyone knows everyone. I guess, coming from a small, close-knit town & community, i'm used to every other person you meet be someone you know or knew. I just think it's a shame that noone takes an interest.
So, the Mr had a 9 o'clock lecture this morning, luckily after he left i dropped off to sleep for another hour! It probably wasn't the best idea to pack the only clothes from my wardrobe that crease to the max! However, a fashion student's preogative is to dress well, no matter what! I also painted my nails for the first time in months! (I get really bored of painting them beautifully, for during the week when i'm at college - for them to chipped, stripped and broken, and then have to take it off on Saturday night ready for a day at work, on Sunday!)
Shorts: Topshop / Top: New Look Online / Cardigan: H&M / Belt: New Look / Scarf: H&M / Tights: Tesco
I did wonder if this outfit would be a little too impractical for my lounging around, writing, people watching, eating, laughing that i tend to do in Southampton, but actually it is surprisingly comfortable! The shorts havn't creased as much as i thought they would have, and even the creases that were left from being squashed to death in my suitcase, dropped out almost instantly. I really think they're going to be a year round staple, for me, they can be dressed up or dressed down and can be worn though summer - bare legged, and through winter - with leggings or thick, wooly tights (as i am sporting here). They're camel, i have been meaning to purchase some camel clothing as soon as i read about the trend, not because i want to be on trend, but as one of the paler amoung us, i find it hard to wear light colours - especially peaches, pinks, but i find this colour really suits me and it's perfect, because i love it! This fabulous little top, you can't see but actually has 3/4 sleeves and gorgeous little gold, sailory buttons atop the shoulders, only cost me £9! It was in the sale online, and i am a serious stripes lover, at £9 you can't go wrong! PLUS, it's from their tall range and as we all know, for me, anything with a little extra length cannot hurt! It's slightly oversized, which i love, and can be worn tucked into shirts, skirts etc or worn over jeans or leggings - very versatile! As for my nail colour, don't you think it's just to die for!? I was originally looking for a sort of skin tone/light pink sort of colour, but when i couldn't find anything that i was really looking for, i decided to go for this little beauty. The photo is shocking, but it definitely looks better on the nails than it does in the bottle, because i was a little unsure before i put it on, so tried it on my toes first & voila! Head over heels. After taking this photo, i did throw on my very chunky, white knitted cardigan seen in this post, because as much as i love coming to visit - Jonny's house is freezing! It probably doesn't help, that i am ALWAYS cold!
Last night J made me the YUMMIEST bangers & mash everrrr. However, he was put to shame as he had to get a friend to finish the mash for him.. His mashing efforts were appauling! I love just being able to chill out and laugh here! I laugh SO much, and i really miss that when i go home. Well, there's more from where this came from!
Toodles. xo
Last night J made me the YUMMIEST bangers & mash everrrr. However, he was put to shame as he had to get a friend to finish the mash for him.. His mashing efforts were appauling! I love just being able to chill out and laugh here! I laugh SO much, and i really miss that when i go home. Well, there's more from where this came from!
Toodles. xo
20 February 2011
(Not So) Sunny Sunday
So it's finally time for me head down South for the week! As of tomorrow, i'm taking, what seems like, a gazillion trains (2 trains, and 1 tube change) to Southampton for the week. Not only am i extremely excited that i get to spend the week with my wonderful Mr, but also because now i'm not only thinking of it as where the Mr lives, but also, as of September, where i will be calling home!
Also as of tomorrow (or possibly starting on Tuesday, as i'll be spending most of my day travelling and all i'll want is something yummy and a cuddle when i get down there!) i will be doing, what i like to call, The (South)Hamptons (The Hamptons being an affluent area of Long Island, New York - those of you who were/are avid Gossip Girl readers, like me, will all know about The Hamptons already!) Funnily enough, The Hamptons of Long Island, NY, also has a Southampton! But this is my Southampton, and i can't wait to share my adventure with you! (Just to clarify, i am venturing only to the Southampton on the South Coast of the UK! Not the East end of Long Island!)
As we all know, LFW has swung into town and as i'm not going myself, i thought i'd start checking out some of the Fall '11 designer collections. Three that have really caught my eye are; Jonathan Saunders, House of Holland & Matthew Williamson's Pre Fall Collection. I thought they were all spectacular, showing some fab colour, print and shape - check them out!
I shall next be contacting you from down South, OOH ARR (Said in a 'farmer' accent) Happy Sunday! xo
Also as of tomorrow (or possibly starting on Tuesday, as i'll be spending most of my day travelling and all i'll want is something yummy and a cuddle when i get down there!) i will be doing, what i like to call, The (South)Hamptons (The Hamptons being an affluent area of Long Island, New York - those of you who were/are avid Gossip Girl readers, like me, will all know about The Hamptons already!) Funnily enough, The Hamptons of Long Island, NY, also has a Southampton! But this is my Southampton, and i can't wait to share my adventure with you! (Just to clarify, i am venturing only to the Southampton on the South Coast of the UK! Not the East end of Long Island!)
As we all know, LFW has swung into town and as i'm not going myself, i thought i'd start checking out some of the Fall '11 designer collections. Three that have really caught my eye are; Jonathan Saunders, House of Holland & Matthew Williamson's Pre Fall Collection. I thought they were all spectacular, showing some fab colour, print and shape - check them out!
I shall next be contacting you from down South, OOH ARR (Said in a 'farmer' accent) Happy Sunday! xo
18 February 2011
Friday Feeling #6
001. I almost forgot about my Friday Feeling again this week! My brain is a complete sieve at the moment, i've actually had to buy myself a journal purely to write my thoughts and lists into (i have to say that if you're forgetful like me, it's extremely handy to have everything in one place!) It's adorable & Cath Kidston, each page is a little different - from strawberries to swallows! I've added myself a little burgandy organza ribbon through the middle and down the spine, into a little bow - customized and very cute! I've taken to writing lists about everything now, every little thought that pops into my head! It's very satisfying - you should all try it!

002. My week has been really constructive, helpful and actually quite perfect (despite me feeling pretty appauling thanks to some anti biotics!) But i guess that without feeling awful, i wouldn't have had the time to work on a few things! One being that i decided i need to alter my, somewhat young, style in my bedroom. I was bored of the clutter, the mess and how things just didn't seem grown up enough (i really must be growing up!) I had lots of beautiful aspects that where hidden behind the things that i had just gotten used to. So, i tidied things up, through away mountains of clutter that i had, rather than thrown away, just decided to get used to. I moved things around, threw things away that i no longer felt a connection to and voila, things are (extremely!) tidy and more my now style! I'm very impressed, when all i did was tidy away what i already had. However, i had a large decroative bowl that took up FAR too much space (it was also made from old magazines, i'm sure one day i'll come to love it again, but for now it just doesn't seem right) so i decided to take it out of my room and put it into storage - but that begged the question, what am i going to do with the things i've been keeping in it!? I'd been homeing my make up wipes, hair paraphernalia and other bits & bobs (which in actual fact didn't need a home as large and vast as my bowl!) So i decided they needed a new home. Lately, i've been looking into buying some tins to house my bits & bobs (food, hair things, jewellery) in my room, when i move to university. I've been lusting over the Emma Bridgewater ones, as i've been a fan forever, so i decided on one of her Union Jack designs. It didn't need to be humongous, just big enough for some bits! And this one was perfect.

003. Something that has also been making me happy this week is the fact my Orchid, that i received for my 18th birthday (she's nearly a year old!), has decided to do a lot of flowering! Orchids are my absolute all time favourite flowers, besides roses, and it always makes me smile when she blooms! My room is the hottest room in the house, and the perfect home for these heat craving plants! She needs little water (which is perfect, because i'm awful at remembering!) but i do try to water, when i can remember! Since moving her in my bedroom re-modelling, she's even more on show than before so i'm even more likely to remember - she looks fab when you walk in my room now!

004. This is turning out to be such a rambley post, but it's been good to just write! In all the time i've had this week, i've been scouring the blogasphere for new and exciting blogs to read. I absolutely adore the ones that i have been an avid reader of for months, but it's always exciting to come across something differerent and something you can relate to! I came across, and fell in love with, A Beautiful Mess, Elsie's quirky style and beautiful details make her a magical and exciting read. The knowledge into her interesting day to day life really made me feel warm and welcomed. I also fell head over heels for Adele Joanna. Her blog style is absolutely adorable, and i took note about the beautiful details and carefully thought out layout (I need as much inspiration as i can get, as i've asked my incredibly talented web design Mr to do a little something for Legs Eleven! Watch this space!) You must also get on down to Ellieand , she's absolutely gorgeous and her style of writing is after my own heart! An Alien World is one i've been following for a while, but i don't think i've ever mentioned. Alice's sheer passion, excitement and love for her own name (!) keep me coming back for more, you really must check her out!
005. Talking of blog layouts, like i said i've asked my talented Mr to design something special and original for Legs Eleven, as she's been growing with confidence since day one and becoming sort of like my virtual baby, so i think it's about time i reward her for her achievements (After months of having 0 followers, she now has 4 - which is a milestone and proud achievement for me, as i thought i was writing to noone!) If you ever need a website designed, some graphic design work done or some marketing in the right places, you should head straight on down to Banana Business. A business founded by my fabulous Mr, Jonny , and his brother, Paul; specialising in a professional approach to all things web. Check out their website for their portfolio and to see the amazing results produced for some very happy clientele; when they something nothing is too big, they really mean it! Supported by very talented designers (including my Mr!) and marketers, they'll do their very best to come up with something you're happy with. I really havn't done them justice, so you're just going to have to check them out, and find out for yourselves!
002. My week has been really constructive, helpful and actually quite perfect (despite me feeling pretty appauling thanks to some anti biotics!) But i guess that without feeling awful, i wouldn't have had the time to work on a few things! One being that i decided i need to alter my, somewhat young, style in my bedroom. I was bored of the clutter, the mess and how things just didn't seem grown up enough (i really must be growing up!) I had lots of beautiful aspects that where hidden behind the things that i had just gotten used to. So, i tidied things up, through away mountains of clutter that i had, rather than thrown away, just decided to get used to. I moved things around, threw things away that i no longer felt a connection to and voila, things are (extremely!) tidy and more my now style! I'm very impressed, when all i did was tidy away what i already had. However, i had a large decroative bowl that took up FAR too much space (it was also made from old magazines, i'm sure one day i'll come to love it again, but for now it just doesn't seem right) so i decided to take it out of my room and put it into storage - but that begged the question, what am i going to do with the things i've been keeping in it!? I'd been homeing my make up wipes, hair paraphernalia and other bits & bobs (which in actual fact didn't need a home as large and vast as my bowl!) So i decided they needed a new home. Lately, i've been looking into buying some tins to house my bits & bobs (food, hair things, jewellery) in my room, when i move to university. I've been lusting over the Emma Bridgewater ones, as i've been a fan forever, so i decided on one of her Union Jack designs. It didn't need to be humongous, just big enough for some bits! And this one was perfect.
003. Something that has also been making me happy this week is the fact my Orchid, that i received for my 18th birthday (she's nearly a year old!), has decided to do a lot of flowering! Orchids are my absolute all time favourite flowers, besides roses, and it always makes me smile when she blooms! My room is the hottest room in the house, and the perfect home for these heat craving plants! She needs little water (which is perfect, because i'm awful at remembering!) but i do try to water, when i can remember! Since moving her in my bedroom re-modelling, she's even more on show than before so i'm even more likely to remember - she looks fab when you walk in my room now!
004. This is turning out to be such a rambley post, but it's been good to just write! In all the time i've had this week, i've been scouring the blogasphere for new and exciting blogs to read. I absolutely adore the ones that i have been an avid reader of for months, but it's always exciting to come across something differerent and something you can relate to! I came across, and fell in love with, A Beautiful Mess, Elsie's quirky style and beautiful details make her a magical and exciting read. The knowledge into her interesting day to day life really made me feel warm and welcomed. I also fell head over heels for Adele Joanna. Her blog style is absolutely adorable, and i took note about the beautiful details and carefully thought out layout (I need as much inspiration as i can get, as i've asked my incredibly talented web design Mr to do a little something for Legs Eleven! Watch this space!) You must also get on down to Ellieand , she's absolutely gorgeous and her style of writing is after my own heart! An Alien World is one i've been following for a while, but i don't think i've ever mentioned. Alice's sheer passion, excitement and love for her own name (!) keep me coming back for more, you really must check her out!
005. Talking of blog layouts, like i said i've asked my talented Mr to design something special and original for Legs Eleven, as she's been growing with confidence since day one and becoming sort of like my virtual baby, so i think it's about time i reward her for her achievements (After months of having 0 followers, she now has 4 - which is a milestone and proud achievement for me, as i thought i was writing to noone!) If you ever need a website designed, some graphic design work done or some marketing in the right places, you should head straight on down to Banana Business. A business founded by my fabulous Mr, Jonny , and his brother, Paul; specialising in a professional approach to all things web. Check out their website for their portfolio and to see the amazing results produced for some very happy clientele; when they something nothing is too big, they really mean it! Supported by very talented designers (including my Mr!) and marketers, they'll do their very best to come up with something you're happy with. I really havn't done them justice, so you're just going to have to check them out, and find out for yourselves!
"Size Hero, Not Size Zero"*
After missing Gok's Clothes Roadshow this week, as i was glued to the Brits (and Rihanna's screaming curves!) I caught up with it this gloomy Friday morning. I am often dissappointed by the high street collections showcased by Gok, as they can be over accessorised and sometimes a little OTT (coming from me, that is saying something - as we all know i love a bit of over-the-top as the next person!) But this week, presented from Nottingham, i was blown away by a couple of his put together outfits:

After telling you that i'd started reading Gok's autobiography, i have been gripped ever since and only have about a chapter to go. Whether you like Gok, or not, this is a seriously brilliant read. Looking at him today, you would never believe how much he has been through to get to the point he's at. It really puts things into perspective, and makes you think twice about sobbing over loosing your favourite nail polish. Truly inspirational, i highly reccomend it.

Considering this garment is made, pretty much, entirely from a tartan picnic blanket (apart from the obvious, obviously) This really
wow-ed me! The wrapping, the one shoulder, the leatherette obi style belt and the volume under the skirt, all together, maybe shouldn't work (!) but for some reason, with a little Gok magic, it really, really does. I think it's fabulous and if i had the real imagination, determination and patience to steal my childhood picnic blanket out of my parents' cupboard and make a fashion marvel, like this, maybe i would!

I really wish they'd taken a full length photo of this outfit, because the amazing fringed skirt was just as amazing as the crystal top! Now, i really, really don't have the patience (or time) to sit and apply £300 worth of crystals to this £36 from American Apparel top, but the overall result, i'll think you'll agree is spectacular. Now, i know that unless you're seriously strong willed (either that or completely nuts), i know that no human being is going to sit down and do this, when they could go and splash out on something almost identical, that someone has worked their fingers to the bone to make - but i, really, take some satisfaction in knowing that Gok (well, actually one of his design team) has done this themselves, at a fraction of the price. The fringed skirt, that you can't see, was equally as cool! It was a black leatherette fringed maxi skirt that gave so much movement when walking that it really was just amazing.

This skirt began it's life as an £110 Monsoon tunic. Believe it. I really didn't think i would like the result of this, but actually the final outcome is seriously cool! The volumised hips were purely created by pushing the sleeves of the tunic, in on themselves to create this structured look. This look was made so simply - just turning this pink, floral cardigan around and wearing the buttons on the back (folding the buttons and button holes over to produce a slick, finished line) and pulling the neckline of the cardigan down to fashion a simple, sexy boat-neck, add a piece of leathertte to make a belt, and cover joins, add a gold belt on top - and voila! Truly A-MA-ZING.
After telling you that i'd started reading Gok's autobiography, i have been gripped ever since and only have about a chapter to go. Whether you like Gok, or not, this is a seriously brilliant read. Looking at him today, you would never believe how much he has been through to get to the point he's at. It really puts things into perspective, and makes you think twice about sobbing over loosing your favourite nail polish. Truly inspirational, i highly reccomend it.
* The motto used by the team behind "How To Look Good Naked", including Gok.
15 February 2011
Beautifully Skeletal!
Jeggings: Next Tall / Black Top: Primark / White Top: New Look
I wanted this top as soon as i saw it! It's such a beautiful piece, and i find it really easy to wear. It can just be thrown over a casual top to liven an outfit up, or worn over a bodycon skirt to create a sophisticated evening look. It has an odd deisgn to it, as i feel although it has it's beauty and ornate style, it also has quite a fierce edgy feel - beautifully skeletal! Seeing as all i'm doing today is getting bits ready for my adventures next week, doing some initial research for my FMP and later helping my mum with the Tesco shop - i thought this would be comfy but cool!
After receiving it as a lovely Christmas gift, i have finally gotten around to reading Gok Wan's Autobiography "Through Thick and Thin". I'm only on chapter four, so far, but i really have to say that it's a brilliant read. I wasn't holding out much hope, as i'm not really an autobiography reader and have been dissappointed by them before, but i'm only on chapter four and i feel as though i've taken every step of his journey with him. I feel as though i was an on-looker of young Kowkhyn's (Gok for short) life. Through his chatty style, descriptive writing and quirky additions, i would definitely reccomend this - especially to Wan fans!
I hope you're all having a productive week. Any surprises or exciting occurances in your week?
p.s. look what i found through my letterbox this morning! <3
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