10 December 2010

White Shirt Shoot

After finally getting my photo's from todays' 'White Shirt Project' Shoot onto my computer, i thought i would share my favourite's from the day with you!

From Top to Bottom: Sammy's Shirt Beanbag / Jess' Patriotic Shirt / Lisa's Military Shirt Jacket / My Structured Uniform Shirt / (All modelled by myself)

The Brief: Called the White Shirt Project, all we were told was that our fabric would be white shirts and that our theme would be Identity. We could do whatever we liked to our shirt(s); Dye, Rip, Ruche, Cut, Sew - Anything, except that we had to keep some identity of the shirt, eg: buttons, collar, cuffs, etc. and this is what me and 3 of my friends came up with!

What do you think? Have you had any interesting projects lately?

1 comment:

  1. this is such a cool project, i love the fringed kinda shirt :) x


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