31 December 2012


All Images My Own.
Instagram: _legseleven

Can anyone else believe it's the end of another year? I feel as though it was only yesterday that i was writing this exact same post, last year. What a year 2012 has turned out to be. I can't quite get over what an incredible year it's turned out to be for Great Britain. 2012 will forever be remembered because of some of the occasions that happened this year. Like i say every year, i'm not one for regrets i'm just happy for what i've been blessed with however i feel as though 2012 has been a difficult but rewarding year, so far.

2012 saw me turn 20, visit Paris and Florida (again), finish my first year of University with a 2:1 and return to Southampton, hit a landmark of being half way through my University life, celebrate being in a relationship for three years, me watch my Mr graduate with first class honours and him turn 22. On top of this we saw the Diamond Jubilee, the Olympics and Paralympics hosted in London.

2012 has made me even more thankful for my wonderful friends. The ones that i spend pretty much all of my time with, the five girls i spend my University life with. Kammy, Nicole, Abbie, Izzi and Izzi are five wonderful people and i can't be any more grateful or thankful that they're my friends. The ones from home that have taken the time to keep in contact, which sadly doesn't happen with all of them, but it lets you know who are the ones you want to keep.

Overall, despite 2012 having it's real ups and downs it's still been a brilliant year and one that i'll never forget. I hope that 2013 is an even more successful and thriving year.

2013 sees me turn 21, which i'm not sure why but although i don't plan to make a huge deal out of it i'm looking forward to it. It'll see me finish my second year of University and hopefully see a trip to New York with my other half.

I feel as though i've really changed in the last year, hopefully for the better, and i've watched and felt myself grow. I'm proud of what i've achieved and i feel as though i'm becoming far more self assured and independent.

I'm not going to initiate any sort of resolutions this year because a year is a very long time and who knows what's going to happen and change in that time; all i want for 2013 is to keep happy and healthy, continue to learn and grow and to do my best in everything that comes along.

I hope you all have had a wonderful 2012 and continue to have an even more wonderful 2013. I hope have a great New Years celebration in whatever you may choose to do, and that you spend it with the ones you love.

Happy New Year!


Image Sourced from WeHeartIt.

1 comment:

  1. Awww Kat! You have had such a wonderful year and I'm so glad you are feeling more self assured and independant. You are by far one of my bestest blogging babes, and you know I'm so proud of how far you've come this past year ♥ xxx


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