I can't believe how busy i have been this week! So busy, i've had absolutely no time to blog about anything, big or small! I've also only had time to do one days outfit!:001. Trousers: New Look / Top: Primark / Cardigan: H&M / Necklace: Primark
I never ever ever wear these trousers, originally buying them in the sales last year, but they came in very handy when i took a trip with the mr to Dorset last summer, keeping me cool but also warm enough too! I have to feel a little bit brave to wear these as they're quite a statement for me, but they're incredibly comfortable and quite flattering on my height too! I got plenty of compliments when i wore them, so they're now moving to front of my wardrobe as a new firm favourite! This gold plastic necklace may have cost me only £2.50, the clasp may have broken not long after me buying it and it may be pretty tacky material - BUT i really love it! It goes with everything and makes things a little bit edgier, which always makes me feel comfortable! (You'll be pleased to know the clasp is now being held securely buy a safety pin - thank heavens for my textiles brain!
002. As i said at the beginning, this week has been incredibly stressful, and busy! Got about a gazillion things on the go, and am keeping intensely busy but it's good to be getting my creativity out. As my 'Architecture' project comes to a close, with only a final(ish) outcome to create, i am now hit with the newest project - 'Hidden'. I'm not quite sure where i'm going to go with it yet, as i only just got it today, but wrapping seems to be intriguing me initially (that, however, means nothing as i may have discarded that by tomorrow with further research!) I did find some cool references though, and Gareth Pugh's Spring '07 Collection is definitely something cool and interesting to check out! it may not be to everybody's taste, but i'm quite into something a little bit wacky and a little bit different.
003. HOWEVER, something that really, really did make my entire week was getting an unconditional offer from Southampton Solent University, to study 'Writing Fashion & Culture'! Unlike my friends, it's amazing to know that if all else fails i will definitely be going to university in 8 months time (which honestly sounds truely terrifying but truely exciting)!! I'm still waiting to hear from my other universitys but i'm just glad that i've finally heard something, and to hear such a positive outcome!
004. I'm sure like the rest of the nation, you watched Mary Portas' Secret Shopper, well, as did i and that is why she is one of my favourite women, of all time! She's taking on something that i'm sure every shopper has had an issue with some time or another, as the UK seems to have a serious lack of well trained shop assistants (being one myself, i feel that this is a serious downfall) Her fabulous Pop Fitting Rooms will almost never appear in any other Pilot stores but the debut in the Braintree branch, was, hopefully, a kick in the right direction. The issue of shop staff always feels like it's the got the just a job label attached to it, but i think that the every shopping experience should be the right shopping experience, and not only banished to the high end retail stores. A Polite 'hello' and 'goodbye', a 'is there anything i can help you with?' and simply know the latest styles and trends of stock, doesn't seem too much to ask, but as Mary expertly shows - it's not completely down, simply, to the shop assistant alone. It's the company's job to instruct and guide, not to leave it's poor staff to fend for themselves in the shark tank of aggrivated shoppers. It's definitely made me want to be ever more smiley and availiable towards the customers that i am there to support of a Sunday!
005. Petite Annabel is the most adorable blog i have come accross in a while! Her beautiful photographs and intersting finds of inspiration have really caught my eye, and i think she deserves a new band of follows!
Anything made your stressful week, less, well, stressful!?